Course “Physical Protection Technologies, Systems and Equipment”

Economics of Defense and Security with specialization „NUCLEAR SECURITY”, taught in English.

HIGH-TECH IMS LTD. and University of National and World Economy have developed a joint Programme for the Course “Physical Protection Technologies, Systems and Equipment” for foreign students.
The course was held for the second time, from 16 to 20 May 2017, in the Company building.

The course participants and teaching staff

The course participants and teaching staff

1. The course of “Physical Protection Technologies, Systems and Equipment” has been approved by the Chair Council of “National and Regional Security” on 16th September 2014 (record № 1) and by the department Council of “Economics of Infrastructure on 23rd September 2014 (record № 27). The prerequisites for study are described above.
2. Description of the content of the course:
The course of “Physical Protection Technologies, Systems and Equipment” aims to familiarize students with the following things:
• the place and role of ensuring physical security for the nuclear facilities and other radioactive material and sources;
• to give extensive knowledge in creating pre-construction organization and management on a complex systems of collective protection of the nuclear facilities and other radioactive material and sources;
The overall objective of a course is to prepare the students how to protect persons, property, society and the environment from unauthorized (terrorist) acts involving nuclear facilities and other radioactive material and sources.
The subject, the object and the scope of nuclear security in terms of physical security for the nuclear facilities and other radioactive material and sources at national and international level, are completely clarified during the course.
The main task of the training is an acquisition of practical skills for responding to emergency situation due to unauthorized activities against nuclear facilities and other radioactive material and sources.
A detailed review of the components and elements of the integrated physical security for the nuclear facilities and other radioactive material and sources is presented. The course presents the instruments for strategic, tactical and operational management of security, using physical protection technologies, systems and equipment.
The basic approaches and concepts for physical protection technologies, systems and equipment are presented.

Professor Dr. Eng. Kiril Stoichev, DSc. (Econ.) marks the beginning of the course

Professor Dr. Eng. Kiril Stoichev, DSc. (Econ.) marks the beginning of the course