The system SOM is designed for control of underwater objects through a hydroacoustic channel by means of transmission and reception of commands among selected combinations on fixed frequencies.

The underwater control is carried out by the command unit through receivers positioned in/on the underwater objects.

The system for control SOM consists of two main units:

1. Command and control unit which contains:

  • an electronic unit;
  • a hydroacoustic antenna (transmitter);
  • a power supply.

2. Receiver mounted in the controlled underwater objects, which contains:

  • a hydroacoustic antenna (receiver);
  • an amplifier /decoder.

Depending on the remote control range, the control system SOM is developed in two modifications: SOM-L for operating range of up to 2,000 m, and SOM-M for operating range of up to 1,000 m.

Its designed to work with PDM-120, PDM-250, MER 1000, PDM-1B, PDM-2B and PDM-1C.

Technical characteristics of “SOM-L”
Remote control range (distance), m up to 1000
Remote control range (depth), m up to 50
Transmission frequency, kHz < 20
Time for transmission of a single command, s up to 15
Probability for receiving a wrong code < 0.001
Operating temperature, °C from -4° to +35°
Technical characteristics of “SOM-M”
Remote control range (distance), m up to 1000
Remote control range (depth), m up to 30
Transmission frequency, kHz > 20
Time for transmission of a single command, s up to 15
Probability for receiving a wrong code < 0.001
Operating temperature, °C from -4° to +35°


The system SOM is designed for control of underwater objects through a hydroacoustic channel by means of transmission and reception of commands among selected combinations on fixed frequencies.