MPB-100E is designed to damage and destroy enemy light armored vehicles. The munition is deployed on the ground using a stand. The design of MPB-100E also enables attachment to vertical surfaces (e.g. trees or walls) for better camouflaging. The munition is deployed up to 50 m sideways from the route of movement of the combat machines. The munition is not activated by noises generated by moving people or animals.

The anti-tank munition MPB-100E consists of:

  • Warhead with a dioptric system
  • Fuse
  • Seismic sensor
  • Infra-red sensor
  • Power supply unit
  • Stand
  • Radio module
Technical characteristics
Weight, kg 20
Piercing ability in RHA steel from 50 m distance, mm 30
Range of the target detection and selection system, m no less than 80
Range of the target registration and warhead activation system, m no less than 70
Reaction time after registration of the target, milliseconds up to 250
Operating temperature range, °C from -10 to +60
Shelf life, years  
– In storehouse 10
– Under shelter, covered with tarpaulin 2


MPB-100E is designed to damage and destroy enemy light armored vehicles. The munition is deployed on the ground using a stand.