The Hydroacoustic system „CIAERHAB“ has been developed by a team headed by Academician Stefan Vodenicharov. As noted above, in the base of those systems is the hydroacoustic buoy. Hi-Tech IMS Ltd. EOOD has developed for the “CIAERHAB” system the hydroacoustic buoy referred to on Fig. 1.

Hydroacoustic Buoy

Fig. 1 The Hydroacoustic Buoy, ready for demonstration

But to get to this point when the buoy is ready for testing, we have come a long way. The whole process was carried out in full compliance with the requirements of modern organizational/standardization procedures for the development of products and systems and using the latest technologies in this field. For example, for the purpose of the product design we started with 3D design and modeling using FDM – Fused deposition modeling, as the most popular 3D printing technology – Fig. 2.
Hydroacoustic Buoy - 3D design

Fig. 2

„CIAERHAB“ and in particular the Hydroacoustic Buoy were successfully tested on the 14th of October 2018, in the Tsarevo aquatory, and showed sustainable action of all the planned functions to be performed, including in extreme conditions – Fig. 3.

Tests of the Buoy

Fig. 3 Tests of the Buoy

The characteristics and parameters of the Buoy are a company secret, but what could be said about it, is its advantages, and that the same:

  • has exceptional resistance to sea waves over 2 m.;
  • shows high reliability when moving from depths of 100 to 200 m. to the sea surface, for dozens (hundreds) of cycles without interruption;
  • in accordance with the requirements of the respective customers, it can be used for meteo CO2 monitoring and measurement, water temperature and salinity reading, for underwater identification of submarines, UAV as well as ships on the surface;
  • uses standard protocols for radio, hydro and satellite communications for data transmission;
  • ensures extremely low level of false alarms;
  • it is easy for operation and maintenance;
  • is highly adaptable and can be integrated into any marine observation and control systems.

Finally, it should be noted that the Hydroacoustic Buoy can become a reliable tool in an integrated port infrastructure security system, and not only to monitor and control certain segments of the maritime space, which it explores, but also to communicates and exchanges information with the other elements of the system. The latter is particularly important given the need to ensure of reliability, continuity, accuracy and completeness of the information, that must be sent to the control centers in a timely manner.