The Company’s team has developed a new generation of seismic sensors for security and protection of critical infrastructure. The new sensors are different from those in the process of mass production at the Company not only in appearance but also in terms of content. New technologies are used in the development and assembly of electronic part, it is improved the employability of the sensors in various and severe weather conditions, the parameters of the management software are improved through which to a minimum is reduced the potential for false signals, the maintainability circumstances have been improved. The test results of the sensors (which tests were conducted on our permanent polygon) categorically demonstrated many times the better opportunities of this sensors generation over other types of sensors that are produced by the Company or are in application on the international market.
The main advantages of new sensors generation are:
- Duration of autonomous operation of the field (without changing the batteries) – more than 3 years;
- The radio included in the sensor can communicate on distance 600 m.;
- Improved maintainability;
- The sensors can be used with cable or wireless connection;
- The software allows to be significantly reduce the false alerts;
- Тhe radio and software allow the sensors to be integrated into any security and protection system;
- Low cost.
The sensor build in microcontroller can classify the seismic activity in three classes: human step, machine and usual noise and is able to determine the relative distance to the object. The maximal detection range depends on the soil and varies from 15 to 35 meters (radius) for human steps and from 30 to 150 meters (radius) for vehicles. The senor sends data package containing the intruder type (human, vehicle), the relative distance (d<33%; 33%<d<66%; 66%<d) of intruder to the sensor and the sensor ID. After ask command from the command center the sensor returns also service information (temperature, battery level, GPS coordinates).
For different types of sensor network construction the sensor design provides two build in options for data exchange and power supply:
- Communication through radio module and battery power supply and/or
- Communication and power supply thou unified cable.
For near standing perimeters the cable option is advised. For distant and hard to reach areas the radio communication option is advised. The customer can choose one of the two options or both depending on the specific sensor network design.
When choosing the first option (Communication through radio module and battery power supply) the data are send through radio with transmission range 600 m radius in rough terrain and up to 2000 m by direct sight. To save battery power the radio module is always in standby mode. Only when some seismic event is detected and classified as human steps or vehicle the sensor radio module is turned on and sends data to the command center. Every 24 hours ones for time window of 3 minutes the sensor is turning on the radio module and sends service information. In this time window the operator can send command to the sensor and is able to change the wake up time window duration (for example to make it every 12 hours, every 1 hour, every 5 minutes etc.).
The battery life of 3 years is reached when the time window delay is set to 24 hours and the sensor sends up to 3 alarm messages per day.
When choosing the second option (Communication and power supply thou unified cable) the sensors are powered through cable and are sending data throe cable. In this case the maintenance command can be send at any moment. One combined power and communication cable can hold up to 32 sensor units.